I sit here on the bottom bunk. I just cleaned the cell. A home-made incense is burning. Thick morning fog is outside my window so there’s no movement on the compound. It’s quiet. I stare into the fog. I usually have a good view for a prison cell. I can see the highway… city lights at night… trees, cornfields, and a church called Solid Rock that has a sixty-two foot Jesus rising out of the ground as the highlight of its landscape. But with the fog… my usual view doesn’t exist.
As I thought about what to write, the Sun began to shine, and behold, the fog began to die. It dawned on me that Reality will be Reality in spite of the fog or conditions that surround it. My view of the world still existed even though I couldn’t see it. Jesus was still outside, just like the trees and the highway. The presence of fog couldn’t replace or erase all of the images that remind me of Freedom and bring me peace of mind. Fog could only cover up these images temporarily.
And with light, the fog had to leave. This is profound to me.
Prison is a fog. It surrounds me but it doesn’t change my definition. Knowledge is often described as light, and since I know myself, there can be no fog in how I view myself.
This blog is a means to make myself known to you… to enlighten you. And with this light, liberation must follow. It has to. For to acknowledge a thing is to begin the process of changing it.
Prison is my fog. I acknowledge it, I don’t agree with it, and I WILL change it. God did not create me to be buried in a cloud of politics. That is why my story must reach you. If only to question your own fog… if only to inspire you to ask “What clouds my perception of myself?”
Sometimes we are misunderstood in relationships. We communicate our feelings and our beloved hears something different from what we intend to relate. What fog stands between you two? Why are you not being seen clearly for what and who you are?
You see, I am only a symbol. My struggle for justice is only relevant in its ability to help others.
Freedom & Purpose
Sol Amen Ra
Please feel free to write or email me at:
249-504 BOYD
P.O. BOX 120
email: Solamenra@gmail.com
(note: Email replies will take from 10 to 14 days)