Dear Friend,
All of us have been in prison before in some fashion. Some of us still are. The prison might be poor eating habits, low self esteem or fear… anything that limits us. Once we accept the reality that we are incarcerated, we accept the challenge of becoming free. Some of us need support because our challenges exceed our individual capability.
Well… I need your support.
My prison is physical and literal. I am incarcerated by a system that refuses to acknowledge my worthiness to be free. I am eligible for parole but the Ohio Parole Board continues to refuse me. At age 18 I was convicted of murder and sentenced to 15-life. I have served over 16 years and the law says, clearly that I am eligible for parole. I can come home.
I am not asking for favors… I am merely asking for justice. They denied my parole claiming it wasn’t in societies best interest. So I need you to weigh in on their judgment. I need “society” to speak up on my behalf.
Anyone can claim to be transformed, but true transformation is measured by what it accomplishes. So, enclosed are my two greatest accomplishments 1) My relationship with my daughter (who was born in my absence) 2) My relationship with my self which is illustrated by a book I published. A book the prison stopped from going public. The book is about emotional awareness. If you enjoy the process of Loving, you’ll absolutely love this work.
This site will expand with public support. “Each one reach one” is my motto. I am before you right now because someone reached out to someone else about my story. Please don’t let this movement stop with you. Join our effort to create change. Imagine the impact of a thousand people just like you…. All who support this cause.
Sol Amen Ra
Gary had his name legally changed to Sol Amen Ra and prefers to be called such. Please check this site again for key contacts in the state of Ohio that you can call, write or email to voice your concern about the illegal incarceration of Gary.
Please feel free to write or email him yourself.
249-504 BOYD
P.O. BOX 120
email: Solamenra@gmail.com
(note: Email replies will take from 10 to 14 days)