Thursday, July 09, 2009


Dear Friends and Sponsors,

Many of you have asked me about a recent blog comment posting. You can't understand how a person who I describe as "brilliant" would suddenly come back into my life to oppose my freedom. Maybe he's angry. Maybe you would be angry too if you invested in a person and they failed to meet your expectations.

This is why I have denied some of your blessings. This is why I took my request for support to the public, because if a stranger gives from his heart it is a sincere gesture. But when people who care for you give, there is sometimes an expectation with it. All of you understand this, even if you're not guilty of it.

Many of you have wondered how a person- 5 years in my past- could show up with all of this obvious pain. But I think God is using him to show us our true selves. Are we being judgmental or are we practicing forgiveness?

Our path is clearly defined. Our victory comes through love not fear.

Boldly Gracious

-The Honorable Sol Amen Ra

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Men Behind These Walls...

There are people in my life who want more than I can give. And it's truly a blessing to be held in such high regard. But the costs of such admiration exceeds my current budget.

Prison teaches many important jewels: Time Management and Taking Nothing Personally.

I manage each day to protect my peace of mind. I'm Self-Incorporated. Self Inc. My motto is "I have my own business so I mind my own business." I don't deal with people a lot because most folks are bad business. I enjoy the company of good people, but even with them I take nothing personally.

Prison teaches Freedom.
It teaches that everyone comes and goes. The people who stay are jewels to be protected and valued, but not taken personally.

Women... if you want a guy in prison you can't expect him to take you personally. If you think you are special and that you deserve a certain amount of his time/energy it will manifest on its own. He will see you as the Jewel that you are. You'll naturally rise above the rest in his eyes. But most people are average. And if you are an average woman... it's OK. You score points by being real. But you lose value when you entertain unrealistic romantic ideas.

Don't be a false prophet.
It's like meeting a guy online and when you see him in person he doesn't look like his picture. That's bogus. It totally ruins the feeling you had about him.

Men in prison need women in their lives to have a decent social life. If not, they become institutionalized. We need visits, phone calls and mail. It keeps us connected to what's real. If a man has three women on his team it doesn't necessarily make him a "player". That's his social life. Everybody brings something to the table. You can't take him personally. He can't worry about who you sleep with or what you do out there if it's not affecting his relationship with you. And vice-versa.

Love is only sacred when it's free. Otherwise it's not Love at all... it's possession. Sadly that's what some of you want. That's why "SOUL" has such a special place in my heart. She understand that LOVE=FREEDOM. But most women I know like their Love seasoned with a 'lil domestic violence. It makes them feel needed.

My message to you... Chill

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why I Changed My Name

I've always felt that names held meanings. As a baby I was named after my father who wasn't a man to be proud of. And as I grew up I thrived to be the opposite of who he was. I didn't want his name. The streets called me Getro... Getro Capone. I wanted to be a gangster and my name reflected it.

When I came to the joint I knew that I wasn't a gangster. I knew that my life had been a lie and I wanted to find the truth of who I was. I began reading books and studying history... desperate to find examples of my likeness. Men who reminded me of me. Men who I could admire. Slowly but surely I found those men and in the process I found self knowledge.

The elders grew to love me because I loved knowledge and my intelligence gained me the name Solomon. In religious theology Solomon was a young king known for his wisdom and charm.
As time went on and more truth was revealed to me I was given the attribute (Sol).... Sun, illuminator because that was my daily function.
Amen-Ra is the ancient term for the unseen life force within all things.

I represent that magnificent force as light... as Sol.

Sol Amen Ra
249-504 Boyd
P.O. Box 1812
670 Marion-Williamsport Road
Marion, OH 43302

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Workout Video

Friday, April 04, 2008

Daily Acknowledgment

I feel like I am what I think I am with the possibility of more.

I feel like I'm living up to my potential. I feel like I'm on the right path. I feel like I'm worthy of the life I've been given.

I feel like Abundance is everything I used to want my friends to be: My best friend, My co-defendant, my comrade.

I feel like my ability to think a thing and my ability to create a thing are closely matched and have a very healthy relationship.

I feel like it's natural to want more for yourself... to experience more of self.

I am not seduced by "the norm" because I have a fetish for the exclusive.

I am an evangelist for Prosperity, unashamed and hungry for investments. Always searching for opportunities to plant myself in so I can see myself grow.

I am the Master, the Slave, and the cash crop. I won't stop and I don't stop.

Message from Editor:
For more information on why Gary remains incarcerated despite having more than completed his required prison sentence please click on the link titled "Why I'm Still Incarcerated" Please also take a moment to sign the petition also locataed under the IMPORTANT LINKS section in the upper right corner.
-Thank You For Your Support
Sol Amen Ra
249-504 Boyd
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, OH 45036

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I need your voice...

If after viewing the video and reading this blog you are inspired to act, please do so. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you do nothing else please take a moment and sign my petition in the link titled "PETITION TO FREE GARY BOYD". These signatures will be forwarded to Ohio Governor Ted Strickland in the hopes that he will be swayed to grant me clemency and send me home where I belong.


This blog was established and is being updated by one of my sponsors who heard about my story, saw the injustice and decided to do something about it. If you feel compelled to do more we would love to have you join our team. We can use all the help we can get. If you'd like to do more please send an email :

If you would like to do more please contact us via email.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Friends of Sol Amen Ra